Thursday, May 24, 2007

The past year (abbreviated)

Ok. I have been told that I am an excellent writer and that I need to begin to document what has been going on in our life the past year, so here goes nothing.

In November of 2005, we learned that we were expecting an addition to our family. What a surprise. Mr. Tall was very ready to have a son or daughter, but I was not ready at all. So, it was a tough transition, which still hasn't happened completely.

My husband was working several hours on a farm about 2 miles from where we live. He would put in over 80 hours most weeks, which made things extremely tough on our relationship. He just didn't know how to slow down, and as a result, struggled with not getting enough sleep. In February, we learned that I would not have a job for the 2006-2007 school year which was a surprise. So, I was looking for a job and gracefully finishing out my 2nd year of teaching.

In May, the school year was drawing to a close and we were getting prepared to have an addition to our family. Mr. Tall was working terribly long hours and not getting much sleep, trying to get the crops in and please his boss. On May 16, 2006, my husband stopped thinking for a split second and stuck his right (dominant) hand into a hay grinder. That split second has changed our lives forever. Things will never be the same. Needless to say, the past year has been one of many ups and downs - many struggles and many successes.

Mr. Tall spent 10 days in the hospital and endured 4 surgeries. He was released, and three days later had an emergency appendectomy. It was a stressful situation, especially being 8 months pregnant.

In July, we had a precious daughter born via C-section. She was 7 pounds .5 ounces and 21 inches long. She was so beautiful. I spent an extra couple of days in the hospital due to some complications, which was a struggle being we had spent so much time there in May.

In December, Mr. Tall quit his job and started a new job. That job did not pan out due to a few accidents, that he was unemployed 7 days later. This was a huge valley for us. He started school and working on his GED, also a huge struggle for him.

He found a job working for a greenhouse 30 miles away on a part time, temporary basis. This has been great for him. However, this job ends in about a week. So, back to square one.

Through this all, we have both been struggling tremendously with the loss. We are both dealing with it in different ways. However, during this past year, God has blessed us tremendously. We have made amazing friends with a couple who moved here from Washington state and have had their own trials and tribulations. We have drawn closer unto God. We are different people because of what has happened. It definitely hasn't been easy, but we are still alive through God's strength.

So, even though this may seem choppy, the post would be way to long for me to go into much detail. So, I will pick up from here.......welcome to our journey of life.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Amazing when you cram it into a small space like this, isnt it? All the changes and upside-downs life has thrown at you this past year. Mountains and valleys galore, but it certainly makes you wonder what God has in store for you two (ok, three). Thanks for writing, Steph!