Greetings all! I know it has been a million years since I last posted...ok, only almost 5 months, but it sure seems like a million years! I stopped posting because I became so extremely frustrated with how slow our internet connection was. We were on dial-up, so it was slow. I would only sign on to accomplish what I had to, and then I would get off.
Well, in the past 5 months, a lot has once again changed in our lives. This will be a quick update, and then I will start posting on more of a regular basis.
First of all, we put an offer in on an acreage in Hubbard back in October. My husband was getting his work comp permanent partial disability settlement, so we were able to purchase a house. We ended up in the house that my husband really liked when we looked at houses last Spring. It is a 2 story farm house with 3.5 acres of land with it. The house is a 1900's house and is very breezy, especially in subzero temperatures. However, we absolutely love owning our own place and are looking forward to many years here. The upstairs has 4 bedrooms and a 1/2 bath. The downstairs has a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and office. There are several buildings on the property, so we are looking at getting animals once Spring comes! :-)
In the beginning of November, I started being extremely sick. I was throwing up several times a day and unable to keep food down. This was a sign to me that I was pregnant again. The test confirmed my suspicions. Therefore, we are expecting to add another wonderful child to our family come July. The baby is due July 9, only 2 days before Blessing was due to come into our lives. We are a July baby family I guess.
In December, we moved into our new house and spent the holidays working at unpacking and settling. We also spent time with family and friends during the holidays and really enjoyed ourselves. My husband worked some extra hours which helped us out a lot.
January has been a month of working on getting into routines. We still have Blessing on a bedtime routine, which makes life so much easier. I am working at starting a schedule for the weekdays so that when baby number 2 comes, it will be easier to handle being a stay-at-home mommy.
February is almost here and that is so hard to believe! As we get older, the years seem to go faster and faster.
It is my goal for 2008 to be better at posting on the blog and keeping everybody updated on what is going on in our lives. So many changes!
Thanks for being patient with me!